Dentist discuss with patient

Scaling and Root Planing

What is scaling and root planing?

If you have been diagnosed with periodontal disease, you may be overwhelmed and wondering how it can impact your health. Dr. Trevor Greene of Piney Orchard Dental is a dedicated professional who can educate you on the condition and help you treat it. Odenton, Maryland area patients who have been diagnosed with periodontal disease will want to speak with a provider about the stage at which the condition has reached and the most effective treatment options. In many situations, patients may be advised to undergo deep teeth cleaning called “scaling and root planing.”

What is scaling and root planing?

Scaling and root planing is a unique and specialized deep teeth cleaning often recommended for patients with periodontal disease. This treatment aims to remove tartar, plaque, and bacteria from below the gum line. This can also help to reduce inflammation and improve overall oral health. Scaling and root planing is typically performed in two or more appointments, depending on the severity of the condition. It can effectively address the problems that contribute to the further development of periodontal disease.

What can I expect during my gum disease treatment?

Our dental hygienist will numb your gums to ensure your comfort during your scaling and root planing appointment. They will then use special instruments to gently clean beneath the gum line. Once your teeth are thoroughly cleaned, our team will work with you to develop a customized at-home care plan to help keep your gums healthy.

What other treatments may be recommended?

In addition to deeper cleanings on a more regular basis, our team may suggest other steps to protect the smile and address the infection, including antibiotic treatments, special mouthwashes, or prescription-based medications and toothpaste to control the inflammation.

How do I learn more about periodontal cleanings?

Dr. Trevor Greene of Piney Orchard Dental of Odenton, MD, is a dedicated professional who will educate patients on gum disease and gum disease treatments, including scaling and root planing. Contact the practice today by calling (443) 406-6884 and visiting the office at 8743 Piney Orchard Parkway, Suite #111.

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